Different Agro-ecological Zone (AEZ): Bangladesh

>> Monday, July 20, 2009

There are 30 AEZ in Bangladesh. Emphasis is given to soil properties in relation to land use and agricultural development.

Criteria involve in AEZ are-
I. Physiography (land forms and soil parent materials)
II. Depth and duration of seasonal flooding

III. Climate-

a) Length of Rabi and kharif season
b) Rainfall duration

c) Occurrence of temperature etc.

Ecological / Environmental hazard: Ecological factors which influence crop production are-

I. Climatic factors (related to aerial environment)

II. Edaphic factors (related to soil conditions)
III. Physiographic factors (topographical factor)

IV. Biotic factor

  These ecological factors are interrelated and intricately mixed. They work through one another acting and reacting together may bring about a change in local climate and in turn may affect the soil and competition impress.

Differences between physiographic units and soil types:

1. Emphasis is given on the process of soil formation. 
2. This is the non-technical grouping of soils. 
3. A total of 21 general soil types have been recognized in Bangladesh.  
4. It is not necessary to maintain the order.

Physiographic units General soil types
1. Emphasis is given to soil properties in relation to land use and agricultural development. 1. Emphasis is given on the process of soil formation. 
2. This is the technical grouping of soils. 2. This is the non-technical grouping of soils. 
3. A total of 23 physiographic units have been recognized in Bangladesh. 3. A total of 21 general soil types have been recognized in Bangladesh.  

4. In writing physiographic units order must be maintained. 4. It is not necessary to maintain the order.

General soil types
1. Emphasis is given on the process of soil formation. 
2. This is the non-technical grouping of soils. 
3. A total of 21 general soil types have been recognized in Bangladesh.  
4. It is not necessary to maintain the order.

Written By:

Md. Harun- AR Rashid

Regional Agricultural Officer

Mbrara, Uganda.

email: universityjournal@gmail.com


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